1. Thursday, August 24, will be Entry Day from 12 noon until 8:30 pm. Exhibitors MUST be wearing a wrist band. Children under the age of 12 NOT entering may enter the building free. Fair admission at the gate will be $2.50 per wrist and, but wrist bands purchased before the fair will be $2.00 The wrist band is good for all 3 days of the fair.
2. Junior Exhibitors are 16 years of age and under.
3. Exhibitors must fill out entry blanks and bring them with their entries to the Entry Desk. You can print the entry blank on this web site.
4. Please print the entries so that they are readable. The Entry Form must have the exhibitors name, complete address, and phone number.
5. There will be no traffic allowed in the exhibit hall while exhibits are being set up on Thursday night.
6. Each entry tag must be securely attached to the entry itself or receptacle in which it is shown.
7. All entries must have been made/produced/finished, or grown within the past year, and not previously exhibited, except for potted plants.
Sweepstakes Ribbons
are awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in each division: Domestic Arts, Horticulture Arts, and Creative Arts. The point system is based on the following:
2 points for Division Champion
5 points for 1st place ribbon
3 points for 2nd place ribbon
1 point for 3rd place ribbon
The three Sweepstakes winners will also receive a $20.00 cash prize.
NEW FOR 2016 – JUNIOR HIGH POINT AWARD of $50.00 to the junior exhibitor who earns the most points in the three divisions combined. The winner will also be Junior Grand Marshal of the parade on Sunday.
Domestic Arts: Class 5, Lot 14a – cooked fudge
Creative Arts: Class 3, Lot 7b – Christmas Decoration, not for tree.
Horticulture Arts: Class 4, Lot 9a – any other potted plant.
8. Only one entry per exhibitor per lot.
9. Exhibitors my be residents of St. Louis county, or adjoining counties.
10. All entries must be in the name of the grower or owner, and have been made/raised by exhibitor.
11. Judging will begin at 8:00 am on Friday, August 26. The exhibit hall will be closed during that time, and open at about 1:00 pm. The exhibit hall will be closed at 8:30 pm.
12. Any attempt to influence the judges will be cause for excluding the exhibit in question from competition.
13. Articles not listed in the premium book may be entered “For Display Only” and not be part of the competition.
14. All entries my be removed between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm Sunday evening. Premiums will not be paid for exhibits removed early.
15. Premium checks must be cashed within 30 days of issuance. Errors must be reported withing 5 days.