The March 20 meeting of the Southwest St. Louis County Fair Association was attended by 9 board members. It was reported that we have received approval for our 2018 county fair grant, to be distributed by the MN Department of Agriculture. The funds can only be used for projects that preserve and promote Minnesota agriculture, or provide access to the arts or the state’s agricultural, historical, and cultural heritage. The fair association will be purchasing soil testing equipment, and equipment that measures the nutritional value of produce grown by local farmers. During the fair, representatives from the company that sells these items (International Ag Labs of Fairmont, MN) will be at the fair to explain how to operate the equipment, and what information can be obtained from the testing.
Everyone at the March 20 meeting agreed that we need to purchase new tables and chairs for the Downtown Fair Center. Various options were discussed as to how to cover this expense. The conversation will continue at our next meeting. Any and all input from the general public would be greatly appreciated.
At the previous meeting of the fair association, an increase in the premiums paid at the fair was approved. The final premium list, with new premiums, will be presented at the next meeting for approval.
The fair association has had to replace the large freezer in the kitchen, at a cost of $3,555.
The Showcase Classes for 2018 will be as follows: Horticulture, Flowers: Class 2, Lot 16B – Marigolds, bicolor, petite; Domestic Arts, Baking: Class 3, Lot 13A – cake donuts; Creative Arts, Arts and Crafts: Class 3, Lot 29 – stepping stone.
The Showcase Classes change every year. For that one year, the selected classes receive a higher premium award.
The fair association will take part in the May 5 Farm Fest by hosting a pancake breakfast at the Downtown Fair Center from 8:00 am – 11:00 am.
The next meeting of the fair association will be held on Thursday, June 7, at the Downtown Fair Center. Everyone is invited to attend this and all meetings of the Southwest St. Louis County Fair.
Susan Coccie, Secretary
Southwest St. Louis County Fair Association